Lauching a new hub for startups.
In collaboration with CANIETI Occidente, ITESM Guadalajara, IJALTI and COECyTJAL we are launching the innovation center that will host +30 technology-based startups in order to accelerate their growth.
The space.
Sorrounded by the atmosphere of the "Centro de Software" ("Software Center" in english) the project CENTRO was born last Wednesday 3rd of December 2019. CENTRO has the regular capacities of a coworking space and specialization for startups formed by the tech equipment found at it. The space has capacity for +30 technology-based startups, 4 meeting rooms, coffee station, meet up area and laboratory for prototyping.
General desing is lead by a great variey of colors and inspirational phrases of recognized people from Jalisco, as Guillermo del Toro, "Chicharito" Hernandez, Lorena Ochoa and Marissa Lara.

The founders.
CENTRO is boosted by Balero Ventures, CANIETI Occidente, ITESM Guadalajara, IJALTI and COECyTJAL. All of them involved and with the concern to support the ecosystem of Jalisco.
The event.
+50 people attended the opening of CENTRO; Entrepreneurs, allies and members. The agenda included the participation of all the founders (Balero Ventures, CANIETI Occidente, ITESM Guadalajara, IJALTI and COECyTJAL) and Jolynn Vallejo of LatinSF as special guest. For the final actvity of the event, attendees could enjoy wine and snack to make networking.
If your belong to the ecosystem and are currently looking for office, send a line to [email protected]